TVT News&Blogs

According to the latest news from CFTC, fresh reports on a regular 3 days delay basis we will receive only after the middle of March. (( Until then they will recover for unreleased reports.

2023-02-19 14:18 Market reviews Аналитические статьи
Good Sunday, traders!

According to the latest news from CFTC, fresh reports on a regular 3 days delay basis we will receive only after the middle of March. ((

Until then they will recover for unreleased reports.

“Following the ION cyber-related incident, reporting firms are continuing to experience some issues submitting timely and accurate data to the CFTC. As a result, the weekly Commitments of Traders (CoT) report that normally would have been published on Friday, February 17, will be postponed.

CFTC staff intends to resume publishing the CoT report as early as Friday, February 24, 2023. Staff will begin with the CoT report that was originally scheduled to be published on Friday, February 3, 2023. Thereafter, staff intends to sequentially issue the missed CoT reports in an expedited manner, subject to reporting firms submitting accurate and complete data. Staff anticipates that, pending the timely, accurate and complete submission of backlogged data by reporting firms to the CFTC, these missed CoT reports will be published by mid-March. After that, CoT report publication will resume its usual weekly schedule.”

For the next week, I don’t see some exciting pictures for today. Moreover, on Sunday we have Holyday in US and Canada.

Only Cocoa (CC) shows us interesting backgrounds for correction. (Watch)
We need more movements to discover something interesting the next week.

Have a good Sunday!

(Previously published in TVT School)

Sincerely, Taras Sviatun

Team Trading Volume Terminal